Don Quixote (Gaza 1998)


It’s a book. What kind of book? No idea. Let’s read it. It’s about a knight. I’m the knight. And who am I? You’re the knight assistant. I need a sword and a shield. I need a horse. What about the lady? The pillow can be the lady. Put on that blanket. I’m not wearing a blanket. It’s hot out. Are we playing or are we playing? OK. But I want a hat. Here. This? Pretend it’s a hat. What’s wrong with you? Me? Come on. OK. Don’t make noise. Yeah, I don’t want anyone to know what we’re doing up here. Are we playing? Yeah. Let’s play.

Based on the story by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra 1547-1616

Directed by Naim Nassr

Yusri Al Mughari – Don Quixote
Mohammed Hamdan – Sancho Panza

Assistant Director – Abdel Karim Adwan (RIP)
Technician – Rafat Al Aydeh
